
Showing posts from January, 2025

JW Letter Boxed: The Elusive 1-Word Solutions

The word electroencephalographic is not only long (23 letters) but is also unique--it’s the longest possible 1-word solution to the New York Times puzzle called Letter Boxed. I used Wolfram Language to dig into 1-word solutions of Letter Boxed to make this and other interesting discoveries. Rules of Letter Boxed For readers unfamiliar with Letter Boxed, here are the rules. (If you know the rules, skip this section.) Connect letters to spell words.  Letters can be reused (e.g., ROSES in the puzzle above), but consecutive letters cannot be from the same side (e.g., VAMPS, because P and S are on the same side).  Words must be at least 3 letters long and cannot be proper nouns or hyphenated..  The last letter of a word becomes the first letter of the next word (e.g. VAMP - PERSON - NORM).  A solution to Letter Boxed is a string of one or more words that uses all of the letters in the puzzle (e.g., REVAMP - PERSONIFY is a 2-word solution). 2-Word Soluti...