JW Run Blog 3: The Do-Over Marathon

The Do-Over Marathon Chicago Marathon 2007 Cape Cod Marathon 2007 After the 2006 Boston Marathon, I knew my body needed a break. I lowered my mileage and ran without a plan. I had pushed myself hard for a year from April 2005. Enough for a while. In the fall of 2006, two noteworthy running events occurred. One was the first meeting of the Greater Norwood Running Club on October 1. I wasn’t there (business trip), but I found the notes from that original meeting on my computer many years later. The backstory on GNRC is that Mike grew unhappy with HFC, the club he and I belonged to at the time. HFC (which stands for Hurtin’ For Certain) is a group of former collegiate runners that ran from the Xaverian Brothers High School track. Mike and I would join them there. Our friend Mel C. also joined. At some point, something about HFC riled Mike. As I recall it related to Mel being passed over for an award. That disaffection turned into him starting a new club. I just followed Mike from one ...